We are a green and design boutique hotel in Palermo, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

buenos aires

+54 11 5280 6100


Bonpland 2275, Palermo, Buenos Aires

Palo Santo Hotel

An Expert's Guide to Buenos Aires

Uptown Bar Buenos Aires

Uptown Bar

From Palermo Hollywood to New York Metro

  • Palermo Hollywood
  • Bar
  • Hamburgers
  • Cocktails
  • With a group of friends

Right next to Gaston Acurio’s restaurant La Mar, in Palermo Hollywood, a flight of stairs will take you to New York metro, heading Uptown. The illusion is perfect: a metro tunnel with the same mosaic tiles, advertising posters, and benches. They even brought a repurposed New York metro car straight from the US. Go through the wagon, take a couple of selfies, press the green button, and enter one of the most popular bars in Palermo!

Uptown is one of the latest addition to Buenos Aires’ bar scene and reservations are mandatory if you want to avoid a long wait. The cocktail list is great. The menu was designed by Dante Liporace, one of Argentina’s best chefs (he used to lead the Presidential kitchen!). Following the New York metro theme, the food is unpretentious but delicious, with great hamburgers, pork ribs, hot dogs, and the like.

Uptown Bar – Arévalo 2030 – Palermo Hollywood – See on Google Maps


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